Archive: Uncategorized
Centraal Church, Antwerp, Belgium
FEIC Church Member Spotlight Centraal Church, Antwerp, Belgium Robert Suarez, Team Leader Share a brief overview of the history of your church and where it is today. We began with no…
The Bridge, Paris, France
GICN Member Church Spotlight The Bridge, Paris, France Pastor Todd Tyson Share a brief overview of the history of The Bridge and where it is today. The Bridge began with a…
Getting Unstuck
I was walking home from first grade one day when I decided to take a short cut through an open field. It had been raining for several days, and, much…
Brexit Offers Opportunity for International Congregations in Europe
In a constantly changing world, economic and geo-political changes are an often-overlooked dynamic that can affect churches in terms of the ebb and flow of participants and the development of…
Mentoring & Modeling … Making A Difference!
Mentoring & Modeling … Making A Difference! In recent weeks I have been connecting again with people who I have shared life and ministry with for a long time. Some…
Is This Good Enough? … That Is Not The Question!
I heard something this week from a colleague (thanks Brent Hurt) that challenged me deeply. Brent’s wife is a teacher and one the things that she often hears when a…
When You Think It Is Time To Push … Think Again!
I think all of us understand that being “driven” is both a bad idea and a violation of the balanced Christ-life that we are called to live. We know all…
Hope Anchored … Keeps Our World Right Side Up!
I have always been a hope-giver! I can not identify a time when I did not pull for the underdog or feel bad for those who I felt were suffering/struggling.…
Share His Wisdom, Speak The Truth … And Save Our World!
As I am writing, I am wrestling with my heart! The events in Nice, France have produced more pain than Dallas, Texas … and before the funerals end in one…
Show Me Your Way!
One of the greatest challenges about today’s world is that the way of the Lord is not promoted and thus, is not plainly seen. In fact, what is seen is…