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Is This Good Enough? … That Is Not The Question!

I heard something this week from a colleague (thanks Brent Hurt) that challenged me deeply.

Brent’s wife is a teacher and one the things that she often hears when a student reluctantly turns in an assignment is this, “Is this good enough?”

The student simply wants to know if the work is acceptable, will it pass, can it do … is it just “good enough?”

Like every great teacher she has a great comeback … and she often counters with, “Is this your best work?”

Nice comeback huh!

▪ The student is looking to squeak by … and she is calling for something more than satisfactory
▪ The student wants to slide by … she is training them to step up!
▪ The student is just wanting to get things done … she is working on them to get things right!

This is what great teachers do!

They expect excellence, they call for commitment and they are looking to lead us … beyond mediocrity into making a difference!

Is This Good Enough? … That Is Not The Question!

Great teachers will always challenge you on that … as will great leaders and great friends!

We can, we should and we must give our very best … always!

Is This Good Enough? … That Is Not The Question!

Let’s lose this kind of living and choose to live beyond and above all of this.

Let’s deliver our best, do all we can and dare to be all that we are designed to be and do all that we are destined to do.

There is nothing like fully redeeming all that God has desired for us!

Say yes, do your best and He will take care of the rest.

I believe this, I will live this and I am calling others out on this … starting right now!

I am looking at you!

What will you say … better than that … what will you do?

We have to get this right … we just have to!

– Terry –

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