I know that our “gift of presence” is a commanding reality. What we bring into the room, or into a relationship matters and we get to choose what kind of gift it will be. Simply stated it can be positive, passive, or pathetic.
With that in mind, I want to advocate for this …
Making Our Presence Pleasant … A Choice That Changes Everything
Relational dynamics underscore this for us, healthy cultures depend on getting this right … and there are several biblical mandates that call for the same.
In reality, the biblical mandates are the bedrock for all of these disciplines. Biblical instructions that clearly speak to positive actions that can be taken to release favor and presence in relationships, also show us how to rescue a troubled relational moment and how to strategically restore unhealthy situations.
It seems that “making our presence pleasant” adds exceedingly great value on every level.
We know when this is missing, and we also know when it is very present.
It seems that this is the time for us to consider …
Making Our Presence Pleasant … A Choice That Changes Everything
Dr Prem Jagyasi, in his article “Making Your Presence Felt At Your Workplace“ shares these insights into how the “gift of presence” can bring all of this together.
▪ Begin by being a good listener: “According to Tory Johnson, a carrier expert, it is as essential to be a good listener as equally as it is important to be good speaker. If you want others to hear what you say, you need to show them respect by hearing them patiently, even if you already know about what is being said. You should always be ready to listen to others and express to them that they are being heard.”
▪ Be a problem solver: “Try to listen to what others are saying and if they have any problem, think on it carefully and try to come out with a solution. And most importantly do not hesitate to offer your solution to the situations. This might work wonders and you may become the new problem solver of the office.”
▪ Be pro-active: “With every new project and deadline comes your day to perform at your best and prove yourself. Although all employees do the same but the ones who are recognized have an optimistic outlook towards their work and are ready to devote extra time and efforts to complete the task and that too in the best way possible. Once you begin to fulfill more than what is expected, you are right on the path to achieve success.”
Here is how I want to express it to you …
▪ Be Attentive To What Is
▪ Be Aware Of What Is Not
▪ Be Active In Influencing What Could Be
Putting these things in place and being intentional about covering all that is precious to us in prayer assures that we can experience this kind of favor.
Making Our Presence Pleasant …Is A Choice That Changes Everything
It is important that we know that this opportunity is a …
▪ commitment that requires our best response
▪ call that will forever be a challenge
▪ co-created reality that we cannot do without Him
▪ clear expression of surrendered living
As challenging as this is, we will need to take it on.
I know this is what I want … and you?
2022 THEME
Christ Above, Christ Alone, Christ In All … This Is Our Anthem; This Is Our Call
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