The first month of 2016 is almost behind us … and believe it or not, our Christmas decorations are just now coming down!
So, I am still singing “White Christmas” rather than stewarding the new year.
My focus needs to shift and I know it.
I guess part of my reality is that I am holding on to the past because I know it all to well, while the new year ahead is entirely unknown. While it does feel safe at some level, it is a seriously risky position for me or anyone else to be in.
We have to “focus forward” … there is no other way!
Here is a principle that we want to embrace …
Focus Is What Drives Our Lives … And We Decide Where We Focus!
I understand the hesitancy we have in embracing something new! We have no idea as to what it will bring us.
▪ Will it be kind or cruel?
▪ Will I face new challenges or find new opportunities?
▪ Will I be negatively pushed to my limits or be positively promoted beyond measure?
Since we can not know the answers to questions like this, we hesitate!
The fact of the matter is that …
Focus Is What Drives Our Lives … And We Decide Where We Focus!
We move forward because we focus on things that promote life, redeem opportunities and empower us to stay positive. These things are always present but are often passed over because we become pulled away and allow other things to become our point of focus.
We concentrate on the lesser things when we could have been captured by the greater.
Real challenges and rich opportunities always co-exist and often feed off of each other … and we get to decide which one drives us.
If our focus is on the lesser things, we will live fatigued, frustrated and forever loathing about small things. If we focus on the greater things, we will live in fullness, fully satisfied and forever longing for more of His rich abundant favor.
Focus Is What Drives Our Lives … And We Decide Where We Focus!
Knowing this makes it clear that we need decide to keep our focus on task. We will know when we get it right because we will live in a place of favor!
Living focused and looking forward!
That’s my plan … how about you?
– Terry –