All of us who live fully engaged lives know of the intimidating presence and the intense pressure that is produced by deadline living. We live in the reality of these things more than we should and know all too well that they take a toll on us. Tragically, we never seem to be able to escape this tyranny.
The Lingering Dangers Of Deadline Living!
We are likely highly skilled in time management principles, know well how to prioritize our work and how to arrange our schedules … and yet still all too often, we feel pressed into deadline living.
My sense is that this is something that we can not eliminate or master but rather is something that we need embrace and manage … and that we need to do at great haste as there are classic dangers that we will incur if we do not “embrace & manage.”
I think it does us well to recount for ourselves what is at risk when we are driven by deadlines.
▪ Our creativity to embellish our work is limited
▪ Our capacity to express ourselves elegantly is lost
▪ Our clarity in communication is lacking
Add to that the impact of stress, the drain of frustration and the loss in relationship that we suffer because we are living on the edge … and we can begin to see the crushing reality.
The Lingering Dangers Of Deadline Living!
It can be different that this … there is in fact a better way and we need to find it for ourselves and freely help others figure out what they need to do as well.
Here is how we get there …
▪ Counting the cost
▪ Calculating our choices
▪ Committing to change
It is as easy as that to start the shift that will signal our success!
Say goodbye to life as it has been … and hello to life as it was meant to be!
I am in … how about you?
Let me hear you say … YES!
– Terry –