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Breakout sessions


Countries with dominate religion
Countries who have restricted acesss

Post-Modern Session

Paul Trementozi
Regional Director, Europe

We don’t really talk about post modern anymore we talk about secularism.

What we’re doing here through international churches, we’re doing well.
But we’re not doing the complete work in what I believe God has called us to do.

Three-pointed focus for reaching major the ‘religion’ – secularism.

1) Marginalized: the secularist believes in that. The traditional church isn’t going to reach the secular in Europe. Jesus tells us to work with the marginalized.
2) Revitalization – not how we can make a traditional church healthy but rather how can we transform churches to reach this people group we don’t understand.
3) Secularized….
What are you doing to reach the secularists? Is it appealing to secularists?
John in Barcelona has made an intentional shift to reach Catelons.

One of my concerns is when we talk about unreached people groups, some regions get nervous about that. Not that I disagree that the least reached need to be prioritized but it seems we go to far with it unintentionally.
Leads to some feeling de-valued.

We love IC ministry because we feel that it does touch the marginalized, revitalized, secularized.

When we start to reach secularists, we’ll rub against the traditional churches.

We don’t really know what secularism is.

Tony Ibarra: Economic situation in Spain is driving people to Germany to look for jobs. Some are coming to our church in Frankfurt.
Germany had 120,000 refugees by last December.

Edmound Teo (Hong Kong)

One people … one city.

This event started to donate food, bless 12-15 diff. charity groups. Felt self-serving; raised a lot of money and effort for a few hours event. Either we stop this because of the time it takes or put it out into the city. Let’s repackage – represent Hong Kong by calling it ‘One people, one city’. First formulate celebrating our unity; since we represent HK and each of our people groups represent their country, let’s invite community leaders, (country ambassadors, etc.) Internationak churches have connections with people in high places – 3) self-serving not good. Gen. 12 – all proceeds will go to bless the majority. Minority blessing the majority.

Went to restaurants and invited them to offer food at event
Went to dept. stores and asked if they had things to donate
We don’t dilute our Christian message

Recommended: ‘The Crisis of the American Church’ book by Olson
Season of post-modern and post church.
Sometimes you can belong with us and then later believe like us.

Post church idea: Local students teaching Chinese to Somali’s and other immigrants to HK.

Everyone has a place – belong – in our community.

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