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Archive: Features

Getting to Know You: Pat and Brenda Mahar, ICF Padova, Italy

Getting to Know You: Pat and Brenda Mahar, ICF Padova, Italy

‘Getting to Know You’ introduces you to pastors and ministry leaders within the Fellowship of European International Church network. In this story, we highlight Pat and Brenda Mahar, pastors of International…

Getting to Know You: Peter and Renata Rattay, Heart Prague, Czech Republic

Getting to Know You: Peter and Renata Rattay, Heart Prague, Czech Republic

‘Getting to Know You’ is a new series in which we’ll feature pastors of FEIC member churches. In this article, we interview Peter and Renata Rattay, pastors of Heart Prague…

Looking Back with Larry and Melinda Henderson, Former Directors of the Fellowship of European International Churches

Looking Back with Larry and Melinda Henderson, Former Directors of the Fellowship of European International Churches

Larry and Melinda Henderson took the reins of the FEIC leadership in 2012 when founders Terry and Ruthanne Hoggard stepped aside to launch the Global International Church Network. Last October,…

Feature Story

Feature Story

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