When asked the question as to how we can best access and appropriate our most outstanding opportunities, we would likely lean into the importance of preparation, passion, and pursuit.
Being well-prepared does indeed stage us up to succeed. We are poised and positioned to engage and to move in wisdom. Passion provides the drive that will be needed to push thru the difficulties and problems that we will encounter. Pursuit will provide us with the piercing focus that will be needed to finish strong.
All true and yet each of these could put us at great risk.
You see, the truth is that it is our being that matters most, not our doing!
Remember this …
Our Most Outstanding Opportunities … Open Up Best To Those Who Are Humble Of Heart
We are repeatedly reminded in the scriptures that it is humility that honors our God, and it is those who are weak, who will be made strong.
Cally Logan, in her article, “3 Beautiful Prayers for Humility”, re-enforces these realities to us in such a wonderful way.
She writes, “Humility is a heart position before the Lord and conveyed in how we conduct our daily lives. Humility is not thinking less of one’s self, but rather, thinking of one’s self, less. What truly matters is refraining from arrogance or narcissism in order to serve the Lord, and to rightly serve others. ”
So true!
Our Most Outstanding Opportunities … Open Up Best To Those Who Are Humble Of Heart
Cally continues to share these additional realities with us, “We pray for the heart position of humility. Humility in such a way that we do not cheapen our own worth or value within, but that we take the alignment that we are here for a greater purpose than just our own gain.”
We not only ask for a humble heart, but we would also seek to walk humbly,
“O people, the LORD has told you what is good, and this is what He requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8).
These are words of wisdom to us, and we do comprehend that …
Our Most Outstanding Opportunities … Open Up Best To Those Who Are Humble Of Heart
I know that all of this has been established by God Himself, so I want to say yes to Him, and I want you to say yes as well!
I am in … and you!
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