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New Beginnings …This Proclamation Is Exactly What We Need To Hear (Over And Over Again)

The glorious proclamation of “new beginnings” is a confirmation of the great promise of our God.

The book of Genesis begins by revealing God to us as our magnificent Creator making all things new and the book of Revelation resoundingly confirms to us that this will always be the eternal activity of our God.

We can live expecting Him to be actively engaged in our lives, making all things new and molding us into being all that He has destined us to be.

This is the summation of His eternal activity … and it is clearly our most enduring anticipated need.

We are inspired by the changes that the rhythm of nature creates for us, and we have an expectation that “new beginnings” will be a part of our life plan.

New Beginnings … This Proclamation Is Exactly What We Need To Hear (Over And Over Again)

This principle is the highlight of an article entitled, “God Offers A New Beginning” by Derek Prince.

He reminds us of just how much our hearts long for new beginnings.

“How many times we hear people say such things as: “I wish I could start all over again” perhaps it may be in reference to marriage, or to the raising of their children, or to the choice of a career, or they might say, “I wish I’d never done that, or said that, or met that person,” and other things like that. Or perhaps they’ve made a New Year’s resolution and it’s gone down the drain almost before it was out of their lips. Or they vowed to turn over a new leaf, or in some cases to give up a specific evil habit such as smoking, or overeating, or the use of bad language. All such expressions that people use indicate a longing for a “new beginning.”

There is no doubt that this how we respond … it is a predictable pattern that all of us know all too well.

We can rejoice in knowing that God has anticipated our need and He is fully committed to making all things new for us. What He starts, He is perfectly capable and willing to complete.

New Beginnings … This Proclamation Is Exactly What We Need To Hear (Over And Over Again)

It is critical that we take Him at His Word and fully embrace the promise of “new beginnings”.

▪ This promise empties the fear of failure
▪ This provision enables us to dream again
▪ This provokes the enthusiasm we need to move forward
▪ This puts an end to hopelessness
▪ This promotes endurance and energy
▪ This possibility is ever before us
So much is at our disposal … the possibilities are endless, and the potential is everlasting!

New Beginnings … This Proclamation Is Exactly What We Need To Hear (Over And Over Again)

I know that I am in … and you?

2022 THEME
Christ Above, Christ Alone, Christ In All … This Is Our Anthem; This Is Our Call

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