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Guard Your Heart, Watch Your Words, Take Your Stand …

Guard Your Heart, Watch Your Words, Take Your Stand …These Words Were Born In My Heart During A Time Of Great Challenge

Guard your heart, watch your words, take your stand … these are the very words that came to me in Malmo, Sweden, in the home of a dear friend. A family storm was secretly swarming around us … and before I could even see it, God stepped in and spoke to the storm.

This is my story and I want to share it with you.

My youngest daughter was pregnant with twins. There had been some challenges and I was about to learn that we were facing another one … and this one had the potential to take your breath away!

Kristi had a regular checkup and the doctor asked her to come back the very next day … just to confirm that all was well. Kristi was an elementary teacher and had no idea that this request was coming … but miraculously at the last minute, a substitute teacher became available so she could see the doctor again.

Things began to move really fast at that point. The twins were due to come on December 10, but it seemed that the crisis that was brewing would mean that they would be extremely premature … as this was all developing at the beginning of the last week of September.

As I was in Sweden, I had missed all of the essential dialogue and details regarding this challenge, so what I got was one desperate phone call from Ruthanne.

I was talking with my friend in his home, and she kept calling me on my cell phone … which I ignored until I realized she was not going to give up.

So, I answered, she was very emotional, and I could tell that she had been crying. I got some details, enough to know that Kristi and the twins were at great risk.

I wanted to do an internet call because calling from a cell phone to the US was not the best option.

Before I called, my friend wanted to pray over me and for me.

As he prayed, I had both a sense of helplessness and hope! I pressed in as my friend prayed passionately, specifically, and the words he prayed were words of faith.

As he was praying, I sincerely felt the Lord spoke these words to me, “Guard your heart, watch your words and take your stand”.

These words were not spoken out loud, but they did thunder inside of me.

When I heard my daughter’s voice, I was calm, and I responded to her with the heart of a father … and I was truly calm because my Father had already spoken to me.

I listened attentively to my sweet daughter and then I began to speak to her, and I shared with her the words that had been spoken.

Guard Your Heart, Watch Your Words, Take Your Stand
I told her I knew that these were for me … but I also believed they were for us.

We resolved that we would take this word into our hearts and walk it out. We did not know all that was coming but we knew that God was with us …. our hearts would not be overwhelmed, our words would only speak life and we would let the enemy know that we would not back down.

The next few days were stunning, often scary, but we stood strong … and God honored this word in the most magnificent way.

Our twins are now almost 14 … both are truly miracles, and we still rejoice in all our God had done … and it all began with these 9 words that we embraced.

Guard Your Heart, Watch Your Words, Take Your Stand

The truth is that …
▪ these are brave words to claim
▪ these words build faith confidence
▪ these words break the spirit of fear
▪ these words are big steps to take
▪ these words bring His best and our best together

I am certain that this is true, and I know I am in … and you?

2022 THEME
Christ Above, Christ Alone, Christ In All … This Is Our Anthem; This Is Our Call

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