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Things Rarely Go The Way That We Think They Should … Because Our God Always Works Sovereignly & Supremely

Understanding just how God does His work is a life-long pursuit.

We must begin by trusting in what we know to be true … and then putting that to the test.

Life can seem to be random and at times even ridiculous … but in the end, we will learn that the little steps we take, actually become prepared paths for us … and they lead us into pleasant places.

We see that principle being emphasized to us in both the Old and the New Testament and we see examples of great men and women of faith who lived this out … and left us powerful life and faith models to emulate.

This matters because …

Things Rarely Go The Way That We Think They Should … Because Our God Always Works Sovereignly & Supremely

This a hard lesson to get settled in our hearts and minds. We know that we are not in charge and that we struggle when we can not have control … so the end result is that we are severely challenged by this faith lesson.

This is why Isaiah 43:13 needs to become a “life verse” for us, “From the very beginning, I am the only God! No one can be snatched from my hand. When I choose to act, who can reverse it?” (TPT)

These are words of clarity and comfort!

Clarity, because they powerfully declare to us that God is at work in our lives and when He acts no one can hinder what He does. His work is sovereign and at the same time, it is supreme. Comfort, because we know all that He does for us … is powerfully perfect!

How amazing is that!

Things Rarely Go The Way That We Think They Should … Because Our God Always Works Sovereignly & Supremely

Dana Rongione, in her article, “Nothing Can Stop God” speaks to this very thing and I love how she calls out to us.

“Nothing Can Stop God” – knowing this ought to have us singing praises and jumping up and down for joy. It ought to bring peace to our hearts and calmness to our minds. But I think we’re often so preoccupied with the problem we forget the promise. We lose sight of how powerful God is and what He can do. Nothing is impossible for God, so we need to carry that a step further and hold fast to the truth that once God has begun something, He will see it through. There’s no stopping Him. He won’t be defeated. He won’t give up. He won’t grow tired or weary. He’ll see it through to completion. That’s the truth, and there’s nothing we can do about it except believe it.

Great word … and prayerfully we are ready to put all of this into play in our hearts and lives!

Here are several other realities that we will want to embrace and experience … Things rarely go the way that we think they should …

▪ because we tend to think we know more than we actually do
▪ because accuracy in destination is not our strong suit
▪ because our pathways are already prepared for us

Clearly, the principle that I am promoting here is one that every believer will have to wrestle with on a regular basis.

Things Rarely Go The Way That We Think They Should … Because Our God Always Works Sovereignly & Supremely

God sets out from the beginning to save us from ourselves!

It is in Him, thru Him, and with Him that we will be all that He has called us to be … and that we will do all that He has called us to do!

I know I am ready for this … and you?

– Terry –

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