This week I have been reflecting on this reality because it seems that I have become more aware of it than ever before.
The things that are happening in my world … both in and around me confirm this … and the tasks that I am seeking to take on, confirm it as well.
On my own, I have no chance of finding my way or fulfilling what is being asked of me.
In the end, all that one can conclude is this …
God’s Way Is Always Higher … This Is A Reality That Should Fill Us With Great Promise … And Great Pause
This is true for me and equally true for you … as it is for all those who seek to follow the mandate of the Father. This has always been true … and true it will always be!
Psalm 61 is a classic biblical expression of this for us to consider.
David probably wrote this psalm at the time that he was in exile as the result of the rebellion of Absalom. When Absalom came with an army to take Jerusalem, David fled and went across the Jordan. David did not want to encounter his son in battle. He simply didn’t want to be fighting against his own son.
Listen to his words, ” From the end of the earth I will cry to You, When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” (Psalm 61:2)
David felt overwhelmed, he was being pursued, he was out of position and he felt far from God.
We know about these kinds of moments, don’t we? We know this feeling and we cry out exactly as David did.
We know that we are at the end of ourselves and all that will save us is finding refuge in God … knowing that His way is higher.
God’s Way Is Always Higher … This Is A Reality That Should Fill Us With Great Promise … And Great Pause
There is always strength and safety for us when we run to the Rock. This is His promise to us … all of us. We must train ourselves to fully trust in Him … in His will, His way and His time.
We tend to think that challenges have come to devour or destroy us, when in fact, it is God’s plan to use them to develop us … and ultimately to define us.
This is His great promise to us!
In a similar way, what should give us great pause is knowing that we will have to strive to stay in a place where we can put everything in His hands … and leave it there. This is the only option we have before us.
His way will always be higher … and positioning ourselves in Him is our one and only aim. It is this that we seek … this and nothing less … and nothing more.
And you know what, one day, we will look back and see that He was right all along.
God’s Way Is Always Higher … This Is A Reality That Should Fill Us With Great Promise … And Great Pause
This powerful truth needs to abide in us, in every way. I know I am ready to go all-in on this … and you?
I do pray that your heart is relentlessly resolved to do this as well.
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