Rendering Ourselves Empty … In Order To Receive His Plenty!
I love transitional and threshold moments.
In times of significant movement, many things will be disturbed, many things will be defined and as a result of that …many decisions will need to be made.
These moments can be troubling … but in the end, they are intended to be transformational.
If we can rightly discover the pathway forward and discern the proper posture to take, we can powerfully redeem these moments.
We do need to bear this in mind … always!
The ending of an old year and the dawning of a new one is a classic transitional and threshold moment and is one that is rich in potential and possibility.
I spent the last day of the year reflecting and seeking to capture all that the Lord had done both in and through my life over the past year. My desire was to steward well all that had been given.
Then I shifted to focusing on what would be the theme of the new year that would lead me into all that God desires for me.
Not surprisingly, the theme was not a statement of proclamation, it was a call to strategic transformation.
Here is what has become very clear to me ….
Rendering Ourselves Empty … In Order To Receive His Plenty!
It is not just a matter of surrender … it is a matter of intentional self-emptying.
It is about laying it down, letting it go and leaving old pathways and patterns behind.
We empty ourselves to embrace Him and progressively possess His plenty!
This is the reality that we have been called to take on … and this is where life change transpires … and it happens in a way that can not be denied.
The words of John 3:30 provide the convincing clarity that we look for … “He must increase, but I must decrease.”
Transitional and threshold moments do make their demand …
▪ so we do need to make heart preparation
▪ so we do need to make sure we answer their call
▪ so we do need to make ourselves ready so we can go all in
Rendering Ourselves Empty … In Order To Receive His Plenty!
This is what I am focused on for 2020 and I do invite you to take this on as well.
It will make a difference … in big and small ways!
– Terry –