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Training Our Eyes To See What Should Be Seen … And Our Hearts To Believe What Should Be Believed!

Training Our Eyes To See What Should Be Seen … And Our Hearts To Believe What Should Be Believed!
Everything of great value that we desire to establish in our lives must be passionately sought after and intentionally put in place.

Establishing spiritual disciplines, engaging faith development and embracing any kind of life or heart change … all have a great value and all of us will be tested in our efforts to embrace them.

This is a non-negotiable process that we either take on or turn away from … there are no cleverly crafted alternatives.

There is no such thing as a casual commitment … change is a choice and it always comes with a cost.

Training Our Eyes To See What Should Be Seen … And Our Hearts To Believe What Should Be Believed!
This is clearly the commitment and the choice that calls out to us. Nothing has challenged the sons & daughters of God more than this.

The prophets cried out this warning repeatedly to the Israelites, Jesus openly admonished His early followers to do the same and undoubtedly every contemporary believer is actively “working out their own salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12-13).

Kelly Balarie in her article, ‘How to Keep Your Eyes on Jesus’ clarifies the core of the classic struggle that we face.

“As Christians, the world is not our maker – and it is certainly not our master.

Yet, sometimes we act like it is. It tells us what we need to believe, how we should act and what we should say. And we follow in step. Its words can often seem louder than the Word of God – especially if we aren’t taking time to hear the Word of God.

The world’s magnetic pull draws us close and we tend to get consumed with its standards rather than getting consumed with the One who holds all life, all love and all power.

Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed – that exhilarating finish … in and with God (Hebrews 12:2 The Message)”

Training Our Eyes To See What Should Be Seen … And Our Hearts To Believe What Should Be Believed!
This, simply stated, is where our struggle lies and it defines for us where we will need to take our stand.

Making this our great priority will position us to make great progress.

It does remain a process … always ours to engage … but God will empower us … as we seek to make Him, His plans and His purposes our one passionate pursuit.

Training Our Eyes To See What Should Be Seen … And Our Hearts To Believe What Should Be Believed!
This is the safeguard that must be put in place and is a discipline that we can not ignore.

I choose to say yes to this … all of this … and know that the Father desires that from all of us.

– Terry –

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