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Having Your Focus Set Is Better Than Having Your Mind Made Up!

Living up, moving beyond, staying out of the weeds … these are all phrases that encourage us to make the most of our lives and to redeem our fullest potential.

Perhaps not common phrases to you, but I have heard them so often lately that I have officially added them to my coaching vocabulary.

Most of the people I engage with are passionate individuals who seek to be their best and do their best. They are the “all-in” kind of people with deep commitment and a strong desire to honor their covenant to God.

To them … and to you, I only have one thing to say …

Having Your Focus Set Is Better Than Having Your Mind Made Up!

I know that determination is vital to getting things done … but standing alone, determination can “drive” us … and the relevant truth to remember is that God, via His Spirit, “leads” us.

Having your mind made up, is a clear and classic expression of determination … and as I have said, that is a very good thing … but it is not an all inclusive thing!

Having your focus set … is infinitely more important … and I will tell you why!

Focus engages us entirely and captures us completely
Focus enables us to play the long game
Focus empowers us to stay on mission

There is no doubt that …
Having Your Focus Set Is Better Than Having Your Mind Made Up!

This is a reality that we need to process quickly and put into play immediately!

Pushing forward on the strength of having your mind made up will leave you frustrated and fatigued … I promise! I know because sadly, I have proven it way too often in the past.

Knowing that God has a plan to move us forward is powerful … and it leads us to renewed faith and fulness.

There is nothing better than this … absolutely nothing!

Having Your Focus Set Is Better Than Having Your Mind Made Up!

I get it … how about you?

– Terry –

▪ If you want to look into all of this a little deeper, here is a great article to read!

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