One week ago terror lashed out in Brussels, our home for 20+ years, then, over the weekend, horrific loss came to Pakistan … and the world took notice. Beyond that, minute by minute, day after day, someone suffers loss … and the world cares not.
There is a huge amount of pain and trouble in our world!
In the end, when our security is threatened our souls can be easily troubled … just as Jesus said in John 16:33, “in this world you will have trouble.”
These words were spoken in the context of Jesus preparing His disciples for the time when He would not be with them any longer. It should be noted that this is only part of what He said. All of verse 33 says this, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
The real story, it seems, was not that they would have trouble … but more importantly, that Jesus had fully equipped them to overcome!
If only they could have grasped His words, they would have known great peace in times of great trouble.
The real message is that Jesus was offering them something of immense value.
A Firm Foundation That Settles The Soul!
The context makes this very clear!
In reflecting on the Brussels attacks, I was praying about all that is happening in our world and how the hearts of men have been sorely shaken. Both faith and hope are being devoured, one heartbreak, one horrific act at a time.
It became clear to me that what is desperately needed is this,
A Firm Foundation That Settles The Soul!
The disciples needed it in their day and we need it now!
Let me tell you what I have been considering of late.
▪ The love of God for us is eternal – good times or bad, in seasons of plenty or of want … His love does not change! Intimacy secured… nothing can separate us from the love of God! (Romans 8:39)
▪ The plans of God for us are established – what He has said, He will do! Insecurity swept away … His plans are fueled with His power thus assuring that His purposes for us will be fulfilled … absolutely! “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)
▪ The ultimate desire of God for us is eternity shared with Him – because the destination in secure … the journey is seriously secondary! Inheritance settled … His promise is that, ” where He is, there we shall be also! (John 14:3)
When you think about it … if intimacy is secured, insecurity swept away and our inheritance settled … most of the issues that threaten us are turned away.
A Firm Foundation That Settles The Soul!
In a world like ours, this is a place that we need to step into quickly, settle into deeply and seek to stay there relentlessly!
At all costs let’s make this happen!
I am in … how about you?
– Terry –