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Building Hope Into Our Hearts … Birthing Hope Into Our World

2016 has been ours for almost one week … and I trust that it has opened well for you! I know that being prepared to redeem it is a challenge … but the fact is that if we do not redeem it, we will regret it!

My personal practice is to begin the new year with a renewed spiritual focus that is born out of a freshly revealed scriptural focus.

I am very excited about the specific focus that the Lord has given me for this year which is …

Building Hope Into Our Hearts … Birthing Hope Into Our World

My sense is that in the same way that doubt diminishes faith and unforgiveness diminishes prayer … lack of hope diminishes belief! It should be no surprise to us that our world breeds doubt, unforgiveness and lack of hope. These things are rampant in today’s society!

Now more than ever, we need hope to come powerfully to us so that we can personally birth it into the hearts of others. Making this a reality, no matter what it requires of us, is the only real choice we have.

Building Hope Into Our Hearts … Birthing Hope Into Our World

This is a desperate need in our world and dealing with it is the desired activity of our God!

We who are His sons & daughters need to be filled with hope … and allow hope to flow from us to others!

I am looking forward to digging into all of this! I know where my focus will lie for 2016 … how about you?

If you are seeking, He is speaking … and whatever He says to you … do it!

I am on it … how about you?

– Terry –

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