I love the Advent season … it is truly a time to prepare our hearts!
It allows us to give prominence to the presence of Christ … which should dominate our hearts and homes at Christmas.
This why I am advocating for this …
Redeem These Days of Christmas To Reflect … On A Living Hope That Brings Life And Blessing
One of the themes of the Advent is hope which is manifested to us in a variety of ways.
▪ A holy hope that is born in the heart of God
▪ A powerful hope based on the promises of God
▪ A hope that holds us while our faith is still working
▪ A relentless hope that restores and redeems
▪ A faith-filled hope that fulfills and finishes every task
All of this confirms to us that we have an everlasting hope that will endure.
Hope Bolinger has a lot to say to us about hope in her contribution to the Christianity.com Advent devotional.
Here is what she has to say, “Like the prophets in the Old Testament, we hope for a Messiah to save us from the sin in the world. In this day and age, where evil abounds and all seems lost, we can also hope that the prophecies about Jesus’ second arrival to earth will also be fulfilled.”
Our world has been ravaged by the pandemic and has had to fight hard to remain resilient and resolute. This struggle has been so intense that it has put great pressure on hope.
It is in these kinds of moments that we need to pause and ponder on this great reality.
Redeem These Days of Christmas To Reflect … On A Living Hope That Brings Life And Blessing
Hope Bolinger goes on to say this to us, “Hope, in the Bible, exists as a secure assurance, a trust placed in a trustworthy God. God has not failed us in the past, and therefore, if He claims He will do something in the future, we can have a hope that He will fulfill that claim. Hope waits and endures. It isn’t flimsy or merely wishful thinking. It can withstand fire, trials, and despair.”
We can hope in our God, knowing that every promise He has made, He has fulfilled. It is in knowing God better that we can believe His word to us.
Redeem These Days of Christmas To Reflect … On A Living Hope That Brings Life And Blessing
This is ours to embrace and engage … I know that I am in … and you?
2021 THEME
In Every Chaotic, Confusing Situation, His Clarifying Word Will Always Be Spoken … Capture It!
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