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Some Would Say That Our Life Rhythm Has Been Interrupted … But I Would Say That It Has Been Intentionally Reset

Some Would Say That Our Life Rhythm Has Been Interrupted … But I Would Say That It Has Been Intentionally Reset

I think all of us are seeking to understand this moment that we are living in.

The last six (6) months have brought radical changes to all of us, great challenges for most of us and sadly, they have been catastrophic for far too many of us.

We all struggle with things that we can not control or change … and if there is one thing that we know for sure, it is that our current reality is a struggle.

It is critical in these moments that we assess accurately and take appropriate action. This is especially important because this process is what will decide our perspective on the matter and determine the position that we will assume.

As we all know, there are many perspectives in play … which means there are many different positions being taken.

Wisdom would tell us that our perspective should be founded on the unchanging realities of our God and be in full agreement with His Word.

With this in mind, here is what I have come to understand about this present moment.

Some Would Say That Our Life Rhythm Has Been Interrupted … But I Would Say That It Has Been Intentionally Reset

We know that our God reigns supreme … that He is Sovereign and that He shadows over His people.

These realities are confirmed to us throughout the scriptures … but I would invite you to read Ephesians 1 again. This has become foundational for the formation of my perspective and position in this season.

I have been especially captured by how Ephesians 1:10 is expressed in The Passion Translation, “And because of God’s unfailing purpose, this detailed plan will reign supreme through every period of time until the fulfillment of all the ages finally reaches its climax—when God makes all things new in all of heaven and earth through Jesus Christ.”

With all of this as an eternal declaration of the activity of our God, we can boldly declare that He is in control and working all things for His glory and our good.

Some Would Say That Our Life Rhythm Has Been Interrupted … But I Would Say That It Has Been Intentionally Reset

This could be a moment for asking all the wrong questions like, “Where did this come from?, How will we deal with it?, When will it go away?” All of these questions are focused on seeking more information and will distract us from the greater reality that we already know!

We know who is in control … and it is His plan that is at work here … and it is the only one that will succeed.

This is the perspective that we want to nurture and as we do that we will be properly and powerfully positioned.

How wonderful is that!

Some Would Say That Our Life Rhythm Has Been Interrupted … But I Would Say That It Has Been Intentionally Reset

This is where I want to be … and you?


2020 THEME
Rendering Ourselves Empty … In Order To Receive His Plenty!

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