I have come to appreciate the value of anticipation.
Somehow the wait intensifies our expectation … we linger longer, we dig in deeper and we embrace everything more intentionally.
There were times in my life when Christmas was simply a two-day event … and Easter … well, it was the day that we got all dressed up, went to church, had a great lunch, an Easter Egg hunt … and called it a day … and at the time, all of this was perfectly fine for me.
Now, however, I want to celebrate all the days of Christmas and I am seeking to do the same with all the days of Easter … and the things that I have come to know in doing all of this … are amazing!
Here is an Easter reality that I have been captured by this year.
These Days Of Easter Remind Us That A God-inspired Comeback Is Always Far Greater Than The Setback!
The last week of the life of Jesus speaks so powerfully to the reality that He was experiencing one setback after another.
The adoring crowd quickly became His greatest accusers. Those that He came to save seemed intent on destroying Him. His own disciples seemed to be weakening and becoming distant. One of His tribe actually betrayed him and another denied Him. He endured five trials and was falsely accused, misused, mocked, abused, brutally beaten, His body broken and He was tortured to death … experiencing the cruelty of the crucifixion.
Seemingly, everything and everyone was against Him and He suffered every kind of possible setback.
These Days Of Easter Remind Us That A God-inspired Comeback Is Always Far Greater Than The Setback!
All of this … in the space of six days and then …well then … the God-inspired comeback began to stir.
Though His body laid lifeless in a borrowed tomb … God stepped in and life was born out of the darkness.
The chains of death were broken, the power of sin was rendered powerless, sickness and death were done away with … He devoured every enemy … and then He rose up out of the grave victorious.
Our conquering Savior … was crowned King of kings and Lord of lords!
These Days Of Easter Remind Us That A God-inspired Comeback Is Always Far Greater Than The Setback!
Everything shifted and the full purposes of God were reclaimed and restored … and we are now able to experience what it means to see our own God-inspired comebacks.
What better gift could there be during these days of Easter!
His God-inspired comeback assures that our setbacks … great or small, will have no power over us!
This is the Easter reality that I want all us to experience and it is the message that we want to embrace.
I am saying yes … and you?
– Terry –