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Pushing Forward … Promotes Positive Movement

One of the pivotal moments that accelerated my life development came when I understood that God had a plan for my life.

I have always had a faithful group of people around me who believed in me, challenged me and inspired me to live my best life.

Early on it was family members who spoke these things to me and then the voice of my church came into play. Little by little, my life journey took shape and somehow God graciously continued to surround me with those who chose to invest into my life on such a profound level.

I came to believe that obedience was critical, faith development needed to be consistent, and surrender was at the core of it all.

These things captivated my heart and created a high level of expectation deep within me.

Ultimately, I became convinced that …

Pushing Forward … Promotes Positive Movement

I came to believe that God’s ultimate desire is to draw us close, touch us deep and send us far!

This process demands that we position ourselves to be fully available, develop a driving passion to be fully committed and be willing to pay the price to be fully engaged.

I still believe that the more we allow Him to do this work in our lives the more we will experience His very best!

Here is how Leon Ho, Founder & CEO of Lifehack articulates this, “If you want to experience true happiness, joy, and personal fulfillment in life, look in the direction of your passion and purpose. For most people, these two often take the back seat because of the need for survival—working around the clock to pay the bills and live a good life.”

Undoubtedly true and equally tragic!

Above all else we need to comprehend this reality …

Pushing Forward … Promotes Positive Movement

Making this a life priority assures that we get the best of God, and He gets the best of us!

Pushing forward …

▪ puts mediocrity under pressure
▪ places possibility within reach
▪ positions us for progress
▪ prepares us to power through
▪ provides pathways of favor

Knowing this and believing this will change the trajectory of our lives.

Pushing Forward … Promotes Positive Movement

Truly, this one pursuit changes everything!

I know I want this in my life more than ever before … and you?


2022 THEME
Christ Above, Christ Alone, Christ In All … This Is Our Anthem; This Is Our Call

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