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Crafting Creative Solutions … Emphasizes The Very Best Of Us

I have always enjoyed being a part of a creative process where generative thinking is encouraged, and the plan is for creativity to open up the way for newly crafted initiatives.

Ideas always flow freely, thinking outside the box is the norm and everyone’s voice is to be heard.

While this may sound chaotic, in reality, this is the context where the most creative thoughts and plans are crafted.

In the past we leaned into tradition, identified predictable patterns and stayed the course.

It sounded good but what happened was that we became implementers rather than innovators.

In today’s world, things move quickly and now, more than ever before, we need to become skilled in creative problem-solving and in crafting solutions that are the result of capturing our collective best.

Crafting Creative Solutions … Emphasizes The Very Best Of Us

I love this quote …

“Creativity comes from God because He is the Creator. Whether you are a painter, seamstress, designer, musician, or something else, we all have some level of creativity since we are all made in the image of God. Your gifts and abilities are unique to you, and they reflect a God just as extraordinary.”
(“5 Things the Bible Says About Creativity” … from the Billy Graham Library)

The truth is that creativity doesn’t just engage a select few, it exists in all of us … because it is born of God.

The creativity of God is well documented in the scriptures, and we see it being gloriously demonstrated … generation after generation.

Crafting Creative Solutions … Emphasizes The Very Best Of Us

The call to creativity is ours to embrace and employ.

The complexities of our day cry out for a solution, and we know that we are all God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works (including crafting creative solutions) that God has prepared in advance for us to do.

These are the words of Ephesians 2:10 … and they are indeed words of life and power.

Crafting Creative Solutions … Emphasizes The Very Best Of Us

It is to this that we are called … so it is to this that we must remain forever faithful and true.

All of this honors our God, and it will bring great hope and help to our deeply wounded and flawed world.

I know I am in … and you?


2022 THEME
Christ Above, Christ Alone, Christ In All … This Is Our Anthem; This Is Our Call

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