While our life of faith should be intentionally fashioned and intensely fervent … we know that it will always be the grace of God that pulls us through every problem and keeps us perfectly positioned.
Without God’s grace we could never know of the joy of our salvation or experience His mighty power.
We should always pray for grace … knowing that our God is full of grace!
Here is a word that we need to test … over and over again …
When Sincere People Pray Simple Prayers … Special Grace Will Always Abound
Notice it is sincerity and simplicity that move the heart and hand of the Father.
In his devotional entitled, “A Prayer for Abounding Grace”, David Mathis says this, “Our God is lavish in His grace, often liberally dispensing His favor without even the least bit of cooperation and preparation on our part. But He also has His regular channels … His word, His ear, and His people.” And we can routinely avail ourselves of these revealed paths of blessing or neglect them to our detriment.”
This is a powerful call for us to establish these “revealed paths” in our lives and to passionately learn to pursue and possess God’s abounding grace and favor.
When Sincere People Pray Simple Prayers … Special Grace Will Always Abound
I also love this narrative by Donald S. Whitney from his work, “Think of the Spiritual Disciplines,”.
“As we place ourselves in the path of God’s grace, we should seek Him as Bartimaeus, and Zacchaeus did when they placed themselves in Jesus’s path and sought Him”. Or as Jonathan Edwards puts it, we can “endeavor to promote spiritual appetites by laying ourselves in the way of allurement.”_
▪ “So often, God showers His people with unexpected favor. But typically, the grace that sends our roots deepest, truly grows us up in Christ, and produces lasting spiritual maturity, streams from the ordinary and unspectacular paths of fellowship, prayer, and Bible intake in its many forms.”
The truth is that it will always be the “ordinary and unspectacular paths” that bring us unending spiritual power and overwhelming peace.
When sincere people pray simple prayers …
▪ significant changes will take place *strategic opportunities will begin to emerge
▪ spiritual wisdom will be revealed
▪ solid solutions will be crafted
▪ stunning requests will come to pass
▪ strong breakthroughs will become possible
All of this and so much more will come our way when we pray!
When Sincere People Pray Simple Prayers … Special Grace Will Always Abound
I know that I am in … and you?
2022 THEME
Christ Above, Christ Alone, Christ In All … This Is Our Anthem; This Is Our Call
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