The purest expressions of spiritual sensitivity are born in the heart and are a matter of personal desire.
We are at our best when our hearts are in harmony with the Spirit of God … and there is no distance nor dissonance.
Staying in this space is a costly challenge because spiritual sensitivity is based entirely on surrender. It must always be a matter of desire to draw near … not a demand made of us.
Here is what we need to know and say yes to …
Promptings From The Heart Are Far Better Than A Push In The Back … So, Nurture Sensitivity
Helen Calder in her article, “How to Develop Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit”, states it this way, “Growing in our sensitivity to the Holy Spirit is an important aspect of our relationship with God. This is the life He has designed us for … and it will release His favor on our lives in every way.”
It is the Spirit who leads us into life and truth!
The article goes on to say this, “Our desire should be to foster compatibility with the Holy Spirit and to respond to His lightest movement. When we are in harmony with the Spirit of God, miracles will take place! As we grow in our experience of responding to Him, our sensitivity to Him will increase.”
The more you respond to the Holy Spirit, the more sensitive you become to His leadings, His prompts and His desires.”
These words are profound and they perfectly describe the kind of connection that we need to make and they clarify what we gain when we are rightly positioned.
“Foster compatibility” … this means that we are capable of existing together in harmony. His Spirit and our spirits are one … interwoven and drawn together in such a dramatic way.
Promptings From The Heart Are Far Better Than A Push In The Back … So, Nurture Sensitivity
“The skilled sailor of a yacht is alert, aware of every shift of the wind, adjusting the sails accordingly. We can be like the sailor—expectant, positioned, and ready to adjust to the moving of the Holy Spirit.”
When we respond to His lightest touch and are faithful to obey Him, we will develop sensitivity to His Spirit.
Choosing to take this on changes everything!
2021 THEME
In Every Chaotic, Confusing Situation, His Clarifying Word Will Always Be Spoken … Capture It!
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