I love a “timely word” …
▪ One that clarifies and provides guidance or direction
▪ One that calms and brings peace
▪ One that speaks in a confirming way
▪ One that bolsters my confidence
There have been many moments in my life when a “timely word” turned everything around for me.
God has used family members, colleagues, mentors, and faithful friends to speak to me … and I remain deeply grateful for their input and instruction.
God has also spoken to me powerfully … thru His Word, or directly to my spirit … and each of those moments is equally etched on my heart.
Here is a “timely word” that I want us to consider …
Let’s Do Our Best Every Day … To Live Above The Fray
To live above the fray is a way of saying that we choose to stay above the chaos, conflict, and chatter going on all around us.
This is always a challenge but there are moments when all of this intensifies to a level that is simply beyond us.
It becomes something that we can not do on our own … but we know that this is what the Father has desired for us … so He will help us to succeed in this effort.
Let’s Do Our Best Every Day … To Live Above The Fray
This passage, in Hebrews 13:16 (ESV), is the Word of the Lord and a very “timely word” for us as well … “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”
Choosing to do good to all and to share all that we have … these are pleasing sacrifices to God?
My guess is that we would naturally define “pleasing God” in entirely different terms.
Certainly, there are many ways in which we can please God but the list must include “choosing to do good to all and to share all that we have.”
Pastor Charles Camorata, of Open Homes Fellowship, says this, “Doing good and sharing might not always be convenient. Many times it takes sacrificing our own feelings and taking time we might not have. But knowing it pleases God is reason enough to make it a point to put forth the effort. You will be blessed in more ways than one, but most importantly, by knowing that you have pleased God.”
Clearly, this “timely word” becomes ours to embrace and to employ!
Here is how Eugene Peterson responds to this, ” I decide, every day, to…open myself to the frustrations and failures of loving, caring to believe that failing in love, is far better than succeeding in pride.”
Perfectly spoken don’t you think?
Let’s Do Our Best Every Day … To Live Above The Fray
Now more than ever before we need to take this on. In doing this, we will be powerfully impacted, our influence on others will be profound and we will inherit the precious blessing of the Father.
So much good happens for everyone who says yes to this!
I know I am in … and you?
2020 THEME
Rendering Ourselves Empty … In Order To Receive His Plenty!