A Real Call To Impact The Nations … Requires An International Church Network
By Terry Hoggard
My guess is that you knew that I was going to say that, right? So I said it … not just because I wanted you to be right but primarily because … I believe it! I really, really do!
The internationalization of our world is one of the most profound realities of our generation. The internal shifts among the nations have been historic, resulting in the massive displacement of the world’s people. Then the refugee resettlement movement has been harrowing and all of this has had an incredibly harsh impact on our world.
Our globe is plagued with cultural confusion, financial fragility, and other intimidating issues that seem to be impossible to resolve. These are days of great challenge and crisis … and we know that a crisis is always a crossroad!
Typically, some will see obstacles, while others will see opportunity. There will be those who cry, “woe is me” and then there will be those who will confidently say, “works for me”.
Certainly we are of those who see opportunity!
We have been called and commissioned to step up and step into the fray and make a difference. Our hope is anchored in God’s promises to us and our expectation is fueled by the declarative realities that God speaks over us.
By open declaration, God, in His word, establishes these things for us. We know that our God is an awesome God, who is always at work. The words of Isaiah are surprisingly accurate and stunningly appropriate for us.
“Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is an everlasting God, who will not grow tired or weary” (Isaiah 40:28)
“I will do a work and no man will hinder or reverse it” (Isaiah 43:13)
“I will give you treasures out of the darkness and riches stored up in secret places (Isaiah 45:3)
These things declared to us must be demonstratively embraced by us.
One of the most powerful things that we are seeing is the growing prominence of international churches and the emergence of other expressions of international ministries. As a movement, we do rejoice in the growing numbers of international churches that are being planted globally and we celebrate the growing influence of our international church relational networks (FEIC & GICN).
I am confident that the Fellowship of European International Churches (FEIC) is experiencing unprecedented growth … and I can tell you for sure that this is true for GICN. Global International Church Network (GICN) was born out of a divine moment during our 2011 FEIC Summit and launched officially in 2012. (Do check out our website at www.gicn.org)
We, in GICN, have just confirmed that there are new international churches being planted in each of our 6 regions and that by the end of 2020 we will have 160 network churches globally. Greater still, the network of our partner churches is expanding and the reach of our influence is incredible.
Here is how we describe all that we desire for GICN, ” A relational connection for a global international church network. Six regions of the world (Africa, Asia Pacific, Eurasia, Europe, Latin America Caribbean, Northern Asia). Established and emerging churches coming together. All of our global international ministry activities converging in one place. The potential is incredible, the possibilities are limitless. What began as a moment of divine inspiration, is now becoming a movement of dynamic influence.
All of this is so powerfully true. This is our reality and the rallying cry of our hearts!
There is no greater news for a hurting, hopeless, broken world than to know that new streams of life are flowing … and they are flowing.
My prayer is that your stream carries life to your community, city, country, continent and beyond.
Here is something that I love to share with everyone, everywhere I go because it speaks so powerfully:
“God’s promise for every new generation is new visitation, His plan for every new generation is new leaders and His provision for every new generation is new anointing.”
May these things live in us … both now and forevermore!
-Terry Hoggard-
GICN Relational Leader