This week, while on the Convoy Hope Cruise, I had the privilege of hearing Rob Ketterling (see share some highlights from his new book, “Change Before You Have To.”
His premise was simple … and yet this one reality is without a doubt the one singular thing that robs us of being our best, doing our best and seeing His best fully revealed in us and thru us.
We live making excuses, delaying critical decisions and ignoring sound counsel.
Rob looked at us and said clearly and convincingly that we will either change before we have to … or ultimately we will change because we have to!
We are literally one more greasy cheeseburger from a heart attack, one more undisciplined purchase from financial disaster, one more emotional outburst from destroying another relationship … and on and on it goes.
Rob’s message was piercing and literally pounded on my heart … and I hope it provokes you as well!
Change Before You Have To … Take This On Right Now!
Here is the stunning reality … the cost of changing before you have to is nothing compared to the consequences of changing because you have to!
Think about it!
This is a great moment to ask ourselves the hard questions, “What is that I know needs to change? What pending disaster is headed my way? What have I refused to acknowledge, accept or take responsibility for?
Change Before You Have To … Take This On Right Now!
There is nothing good to be gained by delay or denial. The likelihood of tragedy increases with every passing day.
Equally, the first step to change will surely be required of us sooner or later … so let’s take it now and begin the process of renewal, refreshing and revival.
I am in … no doubt about it!
How about you … no, seriously, how about you?
– Terry –