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Indonesia Spotlight: International Church Medan

Basic Facts:
Church Name: International Church Medan
Location: Medan, located on the Island of Sumatra, Indonesia
Pastor: Pastor Chris Duncan
Launch Date: September 28, 2014

Pastor’s Story:
“We have served in Indonesia since 2003. We started with more traditional mission work, but God spoke to us about the strategic ministry of international churches and we planted this one. I love everything about ministering here; the people, the many different cultures, and the delicious food and coffee.”

“The challenges we face, like so many, is the unpredictable nature of visas for us and some of our team and legal papers for having a church. The other big challenge is finding the right place to meet to accommodate our congregation. Somewhere large enough, yet affordable, and also safe.“

“The successes began with the formation of our launch team. We didn’t know any of them a year ago. We started a small group at our home and gradually, one by one, we grew a group of 25 people from various cultural backgrounds: Indonesian, Chinese, Malaysian, South African, Arabic, and Persian. Those 25 caught the vision of what God had sent us to do and they all committed to that vision. We came not knowing where we would find a team. Our only prayer was, “God we will plant the church, but we can’t do it alone.” He was more than faithful!”

A ‘Wow’ Testimony:
“During the second service after our launch, a Buddhist sister of one of our team members came to church. She had been a part of teasing and persecuting her sister (our team member) ever since becoming a Christian. We had prayed for this girl for months. She came a skeptical Buddhist, but before worship was over had given her life to Jesus. She is now a part of our team along with her sister.”

Current Stats:
We launched with a team of 25 and seven months later have over 100 in attendance each week. Every week there are visitors who have heard about a church where they will be welcomed and hear the Good News. We have had over 50 decisions for Christ and 6 baptisms since the launch.

Please pray for protection for our team and several of our congregation who are here on refugee status. At any time they can be refused and either imprisoned or returned to the country they had to flee from.

Protection in general as all on our team potentially have targets on them by being church leaders.

Also, pray for wisdom and guidance as we do all we can to be a light in this city and reach the 4 million people here.

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