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It Is Far Better To Realign Our Spiritual Position Than To Start Redefining Everything!

Being in the proper spiritual position is critical for all of us.

This is where we will have the greatest awareness of His perfect peace, the abundance of His provision, and the assurance of His abiding presence.

This is a “profound place” where we will stand in awe of Him, remain stunned by His beauty and majesty … and then be captured by Him.

Equally, it is a “prepared place” … crafted by our Savior, to be enjoyed by all those who are redeemed.

He calls us to this “profound space” that has “in advance” been made ready for all of us.

There is no surprise in my saying to you that our “preferred place” should always be God’s “prepared space” for us.

It is essential that this progression of thought be formed in us! Only then can we begin to understand the place and priority of “proper spiritual position”.

We need to pause and let these realities sink in …

It Is Far Better To Realign Our Spiritual Position Than To Start Redefining Everything!

The nature of man is to react rather than to respond.

God is not looking exclusively for big, bold, and brave hearts.

These things do matter … but they are seriously secondary to the Father because they are largely reactionary. Certainly, these things are still highly valued and helpful for building the Kingdom of God.

However, the scriptures remind us that God is fundamentally looking for a heart that is surrendered, obedient, and fully devoted to Him alone!

It is when we lean into Him that God can speak to us and lead us most effectively and efficiently.

It becomes easier for us to understand His wisdom, to know the knowledge of His will and to walk in all of His ways.

Here is how Watchman Nee describes that for us, “Our Christian life begins with the discovery of what God has provided. From this point onwards, our Christian experience proceeds as it began, not on the basis of our own work but always on that of the finished work of another. ” (Sit, Walk, Stand)

It Is Far Better To Realign Our Spiritual Position Than To Start Redefining Everything!

Here are some of the reasons why this matters …

▪ rewriting the narrative is never better
▪ shifting sand is no place to stand
▪ it is the fastest way to turn crazy confusion into perfect peace
▪ it confirms that there is only one “solid rock” and equally only one “way-maker”

It Is Far Better To Realign Our Spiritual Position Than To Start Redefining Everything!
We must be attentive to “spiritual position” and be ready at any moment, to realign ourselves to assure that we stay in position.

There is nothing that is better for us than being willing to “realign our spiritual position” … and to do so quickly, with no consideration for any delay.

The truth is that fear, frustration, and ultimately complete spiritual failure all seek to keep us “out of position”.

So, it does matter to Him … thus it certainly needs to matter to us!

I know that I long for this and have come to understand that nothing, absolutely nothing, can take the place of this mandate.

I am all in … and you?


2020 THEME
Rendering Ourselves Empty … In Order To Receive His Plenty!

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